Avoid playing against silver or gold players. The game operates with stars, new players have less stars. By doing this you are limiting everyone creating a fairer more skill based battlefield. This is because veteran units cost more money than normal units. The best starting point here is to play games with low funds. Alot of players will have unlocked and leveled up veteran units which will be superior to yours. When you start Shogun 2, you will be given some veteran units. Start with low fund matches and low star players It works as follows.īow beats melee cloth units (monks/nuns).Ĭav beats melee (non spear) units. BasicsĪs you may or not be aware, Shogun 2 uses a rock/paper/scissor system. I'd say I'm average at best but I hope this helps out someone who maybe wants to try it out as it is alot of fun and can take up as many (if not more) hours than single player. I am by no means a great player nor claim to be. It's far more skill based though than single player as the AI will never compare to a human opponent. Thankfully Shogun 2 is not a terribly complicated game in multiplayer. With strategy games it is much more intimidating as it requires more input from the user. With first person shooters they are generally much more accessible. Starting in many multiplayer games can be daunting.